Sunday 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 6:00 PM - Holy Eucharist

Making a difference in the lives of others.

Service is the cornerstone of our faith and how we are measured as Christ's disciples. Whether feeding the hungry, comforting the distressed or reaching out to the lonely, we are called on to willingly offer our time, talents and treasure to provide for those in need. A few of the ways we serve are listed below. Visit our Happenings page to view upcoming events to get involved in service to the community.

Food Bank

Good Shepherd contributes to the Lancaster Food Hub, formally the Lancaster County Council of Churches. We do that in several ways: by collecting donations of cash or food items in worship the third Sunday of each month and every Sunday during Lent, by volunteering to stock items one month of each year (June), and by donating half of the annual disbursement from an endowment fund for world hunger to the food bank.  The items donated in worship are placed in bushel baskets, and so we call the effort “Bushels of Love.” 

Just as Good Shepherd is in a renewal time, so is Bushels of Love. We will continue to give to the Food Hub every other month, but will use other months to learn about and donate to non-profits in our local Conestoga Valley School District.

Creation Care

Good Shepherd‘s Creation Care Team and Creation Care Small Group are grounded by a biblical vision of God’s intention for the healing and wholeness of Creation. Our mission is to support the ELCA’s Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice social statement. The Creation Care Small Group meets periodically throughout the year for six to eight weeks at a time for bible study and prayer, meditation and lively discussion centered around an environmental theme. Learn More.

Grace Meal

What we have come to call the “Grace Meal” is a community meal, open to anyone who may need or want one, that is served every third Wednesday at Grace Lutheran Church at Queen and James Streets in Lancaster.  The meal is prepared prior to that day by a group of members at Good Shepherd Church.  The day of the meal we start at 3 pm to prepare the room and get the food ready to serve by 5:30.  It takes about fifteen volunteers to serve at 5:30.  We are always looking for new faces to join us in fun, fellowship, and service on the third Wednesday of each month.