Sunday 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 6:00 PM - Holy Eucharist

Come as you are.  There is no dress code at Christ's table.

Word and Sacrament worship is at the center of our life—as individuals and as a community of faith.  Through the liturgy we seek an encounter with God that is deep and authentic.  We invite and encourage all to “come as you are,” not only in manner of dress, but authentically inhabiting whatever doubts or faith are yours, entering into the church’s worship as you are able. 

Good Shepherd is a congregation committed to the liturgical heritage of the western church, celebrating Word and Sacrament using traditional forms, and yet with new energy in order to reach new generations of Christians.  Using a three-year lectionary corresponding to the seasons and festivals of the church year, readings from the Bible are proclaimed, with a sermon given to enable a more personal encounter with the God who comes to us through Holy Scripture. The sacrament of Holy Communion, the Eucharist, is at the heart of our worship service, with all baptized Christians, of all ages, welcome to commune. A rich variety of quality music supports and inspires that worship.

The Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday, and on festival days. It's also celebrated Wednesday evenings, an echo of the Sunday prior.


10 am             Holy Eucharist
A sung service of Word and Sacrament

6 pm               Holy Eucharist: With the Saints